What Level Are You, How Dare You Pretend in Front of My Seven Senior Sisters

What Level Are You, How Dare You Pretend in Front of My Seven Senior Sisters

Status : Ongoing

Genres : Manhua

Chapters: 6

Last update: a year ago


At the age of two, Chu Ming was adopted by a certain hidden sect with seven masters. Over the course of eighteen years, he mastered the unique skills of all seven masters. Just as Chu Ming became accustomed to his secluded life and thought he could enjoy a peaceful existence, his masters instructed him, on his twentieth birthday, to descend the mountain and seek out his seven senior sisters who had undergone their own trials in the mortal world. This was to extend the influence of the sect. Reluctantly obeying their command, Chu Ming embarked on a journey to find the seven beautiful senior sisters. With Chu Ming's appearance, the calm world was disrupted like a stone thrown into water, creating boundless ripples.